DataVault Password Manager + is an app to manage all the private data on your smartphone with total security, including credit cards, bank accounts, usernames, and password info. With this app, you'll be using one of the safest technologies to protect the data on your smartphone: Advanced Encryption Standard.
What features are included in DataVault Password Manager +? First of all, this application uses a highly regarded security system. When you start using the app, you'll have to create a master password that won't be stored on the device nor on the DataVault database. Only you can access your information. Also, after your device has been inactive for a certain period of time, you'll have to reenter the password in order to access your info. Besides protecting your data, this application also organizes it. With DataVault Password Manager +, you can organize all your information by folders to access it more easily.
Keep your private information safe on your smartphone with DataVault Password Manager +.